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Bliss - Goodbye

Started by Russell, April 25, 2007, 02:54:50 PM

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Russell fantastic update and i agree with Strech...  Man that battleship is having a hard time
controling who plays at the guns....

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Hey russell is the regime says its an accident why do they have this going over the loudspeaker?  *-"An announcement from the rebel group Zion: The Statue of Mother Regime was not an accident by the military but an act that was done by us. All this brainwashing and reassurance will come to an end soon and expect more rebellions and explosions to hit the city..."-*
Plaza Mall Project
Coming Soon to the LEX!

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Strechnitz: Thank you - not only for the comment, but also for inspiring me to use real pictures in this MD - because it was while reading the fabulous Stropon Times that I realized that hey, I can use pictures too. And you are right - they are quite effective!

Patfirefghtr: Thanks. The battleship is however history now, she caused way too much damage.

Filasimo: The rebellion is on its way, believe me, but it is going to take some time.


"Attention all Blissians!"

"Yesterday, one of our news presenters suffered a nervous breakdown and went on the air stating that a rebel group called Zion was responsible for blowing up the statue of Mother Regime. He then tried to frighten you happy citizens by claiming that 'all this brainwashing and reassurance will come to an end soon and expect more rebellions and explosions to hit the city.' The news presenter in question has been taken to an asylum to be lobotomized back to health..."

"...and while we wait for him to return to work to resume his duties in a less deranged manner, you need not be afraid. No rebel group by the name of Zion exists, and any new explosions will be caused by something other than a rebellion. So you can all continue to feel quite safe in your cozy cottage-esque houses..."

"...or dwellings of a more pristine character, knowing that you live a safe life in Bliss and are compassionately looked after by your benevolent Regime..."

"...and also rejoice over the fact that you no longer need to live in fear of the battleship: she has been swiftly sunk in order to eliminate the occasional destruction of various parts of the city..."

"...and has over night been replaced with an industrial amusement park to provide you happy citizens with the chance to play industrial worker to help you relax from your everyday life as industrial workers.

That is all for now.

End of broadcast."


Another magnificent update from the regime! I'm glad the newscaster was able to be "nursed" back to health, too! Great job, my friend! And by the way, Happy Birthday!


I think I'll roast me a marshmallow on that crematorium smokestack!

Mmm... soylent flavored!
The most astounding and unique aspect of the human race is our fervent application of our ingenuity to kill each other, thus completely defying the near-universally proven fact that the ultimate goal of a member of a species is to ensure the survival of the species.


Russell, this is a classic  &apls

An industrial amusement park, I love it. I guess the fun comes from watching a lucky member from the audience
losing a limb or an eye in a re-created accident. &mmm

I am sad about the battleship though, I guess we'll have to get our explosions elsewhere (although I'm sure
that this has already been considered).

If I'm ever feeling a bit down, I just have to visit here to see that there are plenty of people way worse off than me  ;)

As always, looking out for more.




Thundercrack83: Thank you for both the nice comment and for observing my birthday  :) - but unfortunately, the newscaster did not survive the lobotomy, and was subsequently incinerated in the very same crematorium featured in his newscast.

Flame1396: Enjoy your marshmallow!  ;D

Tooheys: Thank you - and yes, the accidents in the industrial amusement park provide most of the entertainment. But do not feel sad about the battleship - other ways of getting things to blow up are on their way, and if you ever feel down again, do pay Bliss a visit - the Regime will take just as good care of you as it does of its other happy citizens.  ;D

I give you this traffic report - quite red, isn't it?


I wouldn't have thought the general population could afford a car, or is the congestion caused by people running down the streets
fleeing agents of the Regime? &Thk/(


btw russell happy late bday......im getting another report from the wire that has been playing on the loudspeaker from an undisclosed location i remember it saying " Tomorrow tomorrow that ship that was blown brings some sorrow, as for the ship the zion rebellion did blow. My fellow Blissians, the so called regime that has claimed that blown up that ship is no truth but that it was a ship that we have blown up due to the fact that it was in preparations to infiltrate our compound. We can assure you that the rebellion groups are fine and will be freeing you soon!."   -end transmission-
Plaza Mall Project
Coming Soon to the LEX!

NAM Team
What can NAM do for you?


Tooheys: The cars are handed out for free by the Regime, as the citizens otherwise would have to depend entirely on the already overloaded subway system, and getting the workers to and from the industries is a high priority for the Regime, otherwise the economy would collapse.

Filasimo: So far, the Secret Police have heard nothing about Zion. Besides, I've decided not to instigate a revolution as I have great plans for both Bliss and her sister city Serene.


Oh, the happy citizens of Bliss...

...living so comfortably ...

...in their dwellings...

...impatiently awaiting the daily propagandistic pamphlet from the Regime, which they study so eagerly...

...and in the most recent issue, the front page is dominated by an aerial view of some of their habitats - but one thing strikes them as odd in this picture...

...a novelty described as a temple...

...or a place of worship, intended to fill the happy citizens with religious ecstasy: "This ecstasy will make your days lighter and happier, and as a consequence, your work in our glorious industries will become even more effective"...

..."under the reign of these members of your beloved Regime, who have declared themselves to be Gods, stating: 'Because of our godly rule, we are to be regarded as divine beings, and must therefore be revered as such'...

...'and subsequently, all happy citizens are required to visit this temple to worship us and kneel trembling before our almighty power'".


Fantastic pictures, great story and a weird yet wanderful sense of imagination you have.  Great work, once again.

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


So Bliss is now ruled by Gods, eh? Interesting turn of events, my friend! But then again, it's always interesting in Bliss! Great job, as always, my friend!


Russell great last few updates sorry i havent been by to comment been busy with 4th of july stuff...
But again wonderful update and i loved the regimes denial response LoL

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Horribly beautiful as always. :thumbsup: There must be one hell of a queue at the temple with 8.5million happy souls living here.
The collections from the plate as it is passed around must be more than sufficient to allow the "God's" to live rather comfortably :P



Emperor Stormont

Wonderful yet grim as always, another fantastic update on the fabulous city that is Bliss.

Those people are so lucky to live in such a wonderful place........ ;)

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008


What can I say russel other than that this update is simply "divine"!  :wings:

I made my Emperor a living saint as to set him apart from the legion of kings and emperors in CJ's and MD's.
But now you take it to a whole new level my friend. Good job &apls

Nowhere but in the devilish controllminded Bliss this could happen! ()flamdev()

I aplaud you.



Rooker1: Thank you very much, and perhaps you're right: I do have a weird imagination, at least I hope so.  &Thk/(

Thundercrack83: It's only now that the megalomania of the Regime has taken such grotesque proportions. We'll just have to wait and see how long the real Gods allow these self-proclaimed ones to carry out their godly rule.  $%#Ninj2

Patfirefghtr: Always fun to hear from you. I hope you had a blissful 4th of July, and thanks for the comment.  :)

Tooheys: Glad you stopped by, and as you can see in this picture, the queue to the temple is rather long:

Belfastuniguy: On behalf of the ruling Gods and the happy citizens of Bliss: Thank you, and they want you to know that they are very lucky – yes, very lucky indeed!  :D

Strechnitz: Thank you very much, your praise is deeply appreciated – and who knows, because His Holy Imperial Majesty Jerome IV is a living saint, the Gods might just consider constructing a temple in his honor to enforce the good relationship between Bliss and Stropon...  "$Deal"$


Vacated after centuries of use, the copy of the San Francisco City Hall falls apart in a cloud of dust and smoke – it no longer functions as headquarter for both the Gods of the Regime and the Secret Police, since it has quite simply become too small and worn out...

...instead, it has been replaced with two separate headquarters, one for the Gods and one for the Secret Police...

...and to start with, we have this fairly unique art deco-building crowned by an elegantly lit grey dome...

...recognized as the Olympus of the almighty Gods (once known as the Regime) – and on this rare occasion, and for purposes of propaganda, some of them agree to pose for a photographer before returning to their divine responsibilities...

...such as deciding what to do with the loop, highly popular among adventurous and reckless drivers...

...and therefore deemed unsafe to the public and summarily destroyed – the nearby Blissians were of course surprised by this event, but would (had they survived the explosion) appreciated the decision by the Gods that an evacuation only would have caused them unnecessary distress...

...and after rebuilding the area almost exactly the way it was...

...one more temple in honor of the ruling Gods replaced the loop...

...and beyond the Olympus for the Gods, ascending into the air, stands the tower of the Secret Police, its top shining blue at night so that everyone in Bliss can see it and recognize it as a beacon of justice...

...where highly modern and sofisticated equipment handle all the information from all those countless microphones and cameras...

...hidden inside the habitats of 8,9 million Blissians...

...who gladly continue their domestic life with microphones and cameras concealed by just about everything in their homes – and just see how delighted they are, knowing that every word and gesture is being recorded for their own protection...

...and uniformed Secret Police-officials sometimes cordially invite a happy citizen to study their new headquarter from the inside...

...here seen from another angle...

...and while the happy citizen is introduced to the facilities of the new headquarter...

...perhaps she thinks about how the venerable old space shuttle has done its final flight - it is to be scrapped after failing to provide space domination to the Gods...

...or maybe she thinks about how the Gods are terraforming Mount Bliss to make room for additional habitats...

...so that even more happy citizens can settle down in this tranquil metropolis and give thanks to the Gods for providing them with such a blissful life, not to mention ruling them with such divine care and concern.


Nice MD you have here- but quite unfortunate for the people who lived around that loop!  ;D


Another amazing update.  Kinda feel sorry for the people around the loop, but as you said if they were warned the stress would have been too much. :D

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Every time I visit Bliss, I cannot believe the sheer size of it! I still can't get over the 8 million+ residents you have! That regime sure knows how to keep the people happy!