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Show us your... Computer Desktop

Started by Shadow Assassin, May 04, 2007, 04:11:45 AM

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Naw i should go to my mothers house and you wouldnt be able to see her desktop at alll... thats light weight there Blahdy

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BUmP BuMppidty Bump!!!!
Here is my new desktop my wife told me she wanted something diffrent well here she be.....

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LoL Eddie that is something else i love that...... Go fig you would have batman as your deskTop...

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Ant that is sooooooooo coool.... great looking desktop,  now one question is that the crane your working on or just the RL pic your are batting it after????  :thumbsup: &apls

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Here's mine, a little cluttered, I still haven't got round to changeing the background and I only cleared it about a week ago, because there were to many icons, and then I realised I could make Icons smaller.


Emperor Stormont

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008


That is a sweet desktop there belfastuniguy

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I finaly changed my desktop again, here is a full view.

This time its Kurata Sayuri(right) and Kawasumi Mai(left) from Kanon(Game/Anime series). The original art isnt mine, but i did a rather large ammounts of modifying in photoshop, including removing the background and a few stars. Rather crowded desktop dontcha think... wish one could remove the garbagecan from the desktop though, stupid microsoft.


My computer background right now (now playing: Pearl Jam %wrd):

Heh heh, look...I was looking at this thread when I took the picture (as were a lot of people here), and I had The GIMP already open to format it $%Grinno$%.

I'm on my way to download Windows XP Themes now, so by the time you see this, it might just be out of date.
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Emperor Stormont

My new desktop - now using Vista Inspirat - it's fabulous

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008

Shadow Assassin

Quotewish one could remove the garbagecan from the desktop though, stupid microsoft.
You can. :P It involves some registry editing, search on Google.

Click for a bigger image. I went back to using the Windows Classic theme because I felt like it.
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Quote from: Shadow Assassin on August 15, 2007, 11:22:47 PM
You can. :P It involves some registry editing, search on Google.

I will definatly do that. so stupid to have it on the desktop XD


WoW swweet looking desktops.... OK now masochist you said you was dl'eding XP themes where???

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Quote from: patfirefghtr on August 17, 2007, 08:03:48 PM
WoW swweet looking desktops.... OK now masochist you said you was dl'eding XP themes where???

Well, I probably should've said that I was going to research how to download XP Themes.  I did some searching and found that you have to have third-party software in order to do it.  The most popular, it seems, is WindowsBlinds.  They have a free trial version, which I downloaded to try out.  The themes are awesome, but the trial version is no where near as good as the real version, and the themes aren't as complete...so unless you buy the full version, it's not worth it IMO.  I uninstalled it and went back to regular old XP Silver.

If you want to try it, though, check here for the WindowsBlinds software, and check here for a nice selection of themes and skins.
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Naw im just gonna take your recommendation and not even waste me time lol  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I am positivly sure that you dont need a third party program to use themes, although i dont have a clue where to get the themes, my bet is that you place them somewere in the root/windows folder.

I got loads of themes with my XP as i installed it: LINKU

And i cant even get the entire list to show because of its size XD


"...the streetcar, the carriage of the people, was opposed; but that which is for the greatest good of the greatest number will always conquer in the end..." -Rapid Transit in Cities, Thomas Curtis Clarke, 1892