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CAM - Show us your CAM Cities

Started by RippleJet, August 02, 2007, 12:17:47 AM

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Meh, and it doesn't stop there, its both zoom 4 and 5 and all rotations in all cities. so I'll restart and find out, it seems to be something with the gradient of the terrain, but restarting simcity fixed it, lol.
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Star one or two things is happening here... either A video card has taken a turn for the worst or B your RAM has hit a max out....  Did you recently instal sc4 on a new computer?   if so did you update the nivida driver?

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I have to say that a dying video card shows weirder faults then that.
Updating drivers is not always the way to go, sometimes [with older cards] you might wanna downgrade or stick with older drivers.


or just restart sc4, its a new graphics card with new drivers on a fresh install of both windows and SC4
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


 &apls &apls  Star im glad that is all that was needed to fix that problem.... why i was think what i was, cause  i had the same exact looking screen with sc4 and a not campatible vid driver and also rammed out lol

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I'm glad that's fixed...  &apls Never seen nothing like this either.  ???

"Beethoven is known for writting the most daring music has ever known to man...DioAngel is known for writting outragous stories has ever known to a lady."
My new MD: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6796.0


I do still have a problem with one of my biggest tiles tho, see the region shot up the page here
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: star.torturer on August 22, 2007, 10:57:48 AM
Something went drasticaly wrong with my next CAM city:

Thought it was just at that zoom level and rotation lol


Wow, sorry for the loss, but it does look cool....
~ NAM Team Member


I didnt loose anything lol, just saved and exited. nothing was built anyway, making transport network.

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I'm currently working on the industrial population in my region, to get a look at those stage 9+10 industries. It's a lot of  work though, because I want the industrial area's to look good too. Here are some pics of a new city I started.

I'm thinking of building a huge refinery on the south end of the harbour island, the south end of the main harbour will become a major naval base.

Well, hope you like them,



Quote from: Toblakai on August 23, 2007, 11:35:42 AM
Well, hope you like them,

Oh, yes, I do. Wish I could get my industrial areas to look as realistic. ::)

There are some repetitions, e.g. the Lee Avionics, which at 2×3 is the only in-game stage 6 I-HT Anchor, and which also grows at 3×3 as stage 5...
Obviously we still need more custom content industrial CAMeLots! :thumbsup:


Thanks man.

Google maps is a good help though. I just had a look at Rotterdam harbour and took one of the side arms of the canals and turned it into that canal harbour. All the custom content our community has made over the years is really great. Imagine the looks of this without it....  nay, rather not.


Edit: Here are some pics of that refinery:


Lovely refinery! :thumbsup:
However, seems like those §§§ sims living on the island aren't able to find commercial or high-tech jobs in the vicinity...


Quote from: Toblakai on August 21, 2007, 09:37:04 PM
Thanks Ripple_jet.

And yes SlimShady i have the simoleon money cheat currently installed. Even with all taxes at .5% my city makes over 300k a moth profits... I just wanted to get on building, not worry about money. I do wonder if the city makes profit without it though...

Yeah I know what you mean. I find the CAM hard to make any money in starting stages of building, even at 8 %. lol I like to play without money cheats but using NOB's utilities makes running a city easier.

Love the way you city looks now. Where did you find the container ships from and also the refinery? That looks awesome!!! Can't wait for new pics.


Thanks Slimshady, those Container Ships were made by Jeronij. (as were the docks and parks and... well you get the idea, i like his stuff). Just search the LEX under his name and you'll find them. The refinery was made by RN productions. Search the STEX for "Refinery". At first I thought it was broken because it portrayed brown lots after plobbing, but taking the game of pause made the lots grow after a couple of days. Now I also like the way my harbour is turning out, but I have seen container docks with container cranes in a couple of CJ's and they would fit better. I havn't been able to find them though.

I've also tried to remedy the no job zod thingies for my residents on the refinery island, since all the buildings were being abandonned. I've placed the railroad station coser, made the zones next to the avenue HD Commercial and replaced the ferry landing with one that actually works (dunno the other was broke or something.) Unfortunately I made the harbour with the terraformer in such a way that I cannot get subway off the island  :'( the grades are to steep. Ah well you learn something every day.

Now it looks like this:

And the ferry actually works:

Here's the military harbour:

And the downtown center is really developping now that I have 450K residents:

I have also just spotted some stage 9 industrials, but I'll show pics one I hit stage 10 HT. That is only 200k regional industry away. Currently I'm building an international airport in the adjacent square so I can pump up that commercial demand. There will be a lot of industry in that square also.



That are fantastic looking pictures of that CAM-City, Toblakai! :thumbsup:


Here are some pics of the airport region next to Serrano City.

The extra industry:

A coo land bridge in the industrial area:

A small downtown area:

My first CAM :thumbsup: farm, the tower of london forest preserve??? or something:

And of course the actual airport:

I know I've posted a lot lately and I don't know if it bothers people but these are the last days of my vacation and I've been Simcitying like crazy. Since I've got the CAM everything works and I can run the game for 10 hours, winamp and PSP in the background without it crashing. Before I had to pray every time I zoomed or just breathed at my screen (and no background programs).

Thanks for all the comments. I like this thread because it allows me to show some of my work. I don't have enough material for a full CJ, and to tell the truth the idea of starting one is a bit daunting.



It didn't bother me at all the amount of pictures you have posted, excelent stuff.  :thumbsup:

I hope you find some time to post some more now that your vacation is over. 


I agree LoneRanger, Toblakai's work is fantastic. I also don't think I have enough work for a CJ or a MD, but thats because I like perfection, as you will see in my next pic's. I spent a good 3 days teraforming with the road and street tools lol but now its nice and flat, but unfortunately neighbouring cites dot like to reconcile edges lol

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


The Tower of London is a growable, historical, stage 7 landmark, which you have a 1% chance of seeing once your regional industrial capacity has surpassed 250,000. ;)

Quote from: Toblakai on August 25, 2007, 07:40:38 AM
I know I've posted a lot lately and I don't know if it bothers people but these are the last days of my vacation and I've been Simcitying like crazy. Since I've got the CAM everything works and I can run the game for 10 hours, winamp and PSP in the background without it crashing. Before I had to pray every time I zoomed or just breathed at my screen (and no background programs).

I love your pictures you've posted and would love to see more as well...
...and I love that comment about how stable the game is! :thumbsup: