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Started by petercintn, January 18, 2007, 06:51:48 AM

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Wow, Peter, I love your docks ... just amazing ... Can I ask, those large tanks ... where are they from?

I loved your high school too. :) That one looks like the municipality actually put some work into it. ;) So, not like the one I went to then.  ::)


The docks look great. I am curious as to how much you custom built yourself (it seems like a fair bit... and I mean that in a good way). I would specifically like to reference the 15th pic (the one with the lone rail car right before the crossing) and comment on its detail and seemlessness. I also noticed one ship in particular (toward the bottom right of the first pic) and its striking similarity to another that happens to leap to mind. All in all a well done update, take it easy and I'll be waiting to see more.


Nice port, with some very uniqute touches. I see some rarely used NOB pieces there, and a lot of pretty advanced custom lot editing. I'm expecially impressed with how you managed to use the LNG pier with nice lot content around it. It gives me some ideas... now let's just hope that the same thing can be done with fukuda's oil port, hehe...


BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Ha, ha, ha 6 pages of sheer joy!
I am glad I have found the opportunity to check this MD out.
Lots of laughter on: "M4346 - Pope of the Church of the Moose;    mightymoose - Messiah?"

The pics are very nice indeed, I do miss a bit the relationship between the early days and the 1/3 million population of Oakdale. It is a bit like time flies when you're having fun.

Interesting lay out of the avenue, with all those brick walls around it!

I love the cow barn and Collin's Natural Gas LOL!
The cattle ranch is a great idea, with those trees on the corners!

Well Somy Corp. has been quit bussy in Allons docks. The result looks great!
Aha, I see the mayor has brought the Aigo corp to town as well. They are great cashcows so to speak.

Swinging night at the docks. Go to the Atom.

Great MD Mayor.




Quote from: kimcar on February 26, 2007, 06:56:28 AM
&apls Very good job with the dockyard. Amazing details you put on .  :thumbsup: I gonna follow your CJ with interest , now that i see it  ;D

Thanks and welcome to Avolon.  I think though, I'll defer the credit as it belongs to the great batters and lotters in our SC4 community.  I did, however, love to create little towns out in the back yard, get the waterhose and gouge out rivers, flood the little towns.  So SC4 is a no brainer for me.  And a lot less dirty, if more dorky.

Quote from: Badsim on February 26, 2007, 07:27:04 AM
Good , good , convincing , really good . :thumbsup:
I noticed the Hockey Venue by victory ... not usual . (I'm a big fan of victory . ;) )
Same comment as for some others : what are you waiting for replace all these cars ?  ;D

Welcome to Avolon, Badism.  Your rep preceeds you.  Replace the cars, you say?  In a very american MD?  OK  And I like victory's lots too.  The game suffers from a lack of auditoriums fit for high school, but victory's is one of them that works well.  Like to change the bear to whatever, but I have no clue.

Quote from: bat on February 26, 2007, 07:35:34 AM
A wonderful harbor you have made there! Great update! Fantastic work! :thumbsup:

Welcome back bat.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  There's more to come, I hopefully am going to make Allons into a hugh shipping port.

Quote from: thundercrack83 on February 26, 2007, 01:02:10 PM
Wow, that harbor is absolutely amazing! Keep up the good work, and I'll be looking forward to the next update!

Hey thunder, (hope you don't mind the abr.) I want to thank you for being one of Avolon's biggest supporters, in case I've forgotten.  It means a lot.

Quote from: sebes on February 26, 2007, 02:15:51 PM
Your docks are impressive!

You are impressive!  Thanks for dropping by sebes, (I spelled it backwards!)

Quote from: M4346 on February 26, 2007, 02:35:07 PM
So many updates, so many updates! And such wonderful work!  &apls &apls

I'm sorry I haven't been around these parts of MD-land lately, why, I do not know... but I'm subscribing to this now (something I should've done a long time ago). I hope to keep up with the amazing, and fast-paced, progress of this MD!

Incredible work, as always, and such a pleasure on the eye!  :thumbsup:

Have a good one!


Thanks m.  It's aways nice to hear from the creator of such a great MD.  You know how I feel about it.  Hope you get back to working on it.  On the side, I'm going to read your work over at the Artist Corner like I promised last night, as soon as the update is fin. 

Quote from: Flipside on February 26, 2007, 11:16:24 PM
Wow, Peter, I love your docks ... just amazing ... Can I ask, those large tanks ... where are they from?

I loved your high school too. :) That one looks like the municipality actually put some work into it. ;) So, not like the one I went to then.  ::)

on the Flipside, this update is for you, buddy.  Welcome to Avolon and congrats on being the 100th poser poster. (Just kidding!)  Hope you like your mansion in Tyler Point.  Oh almost forgot, the tanks are here

Quote from: threestooges on February 26, 2007, 11:43:48 PM
The docks look great. I am curious as to how much you custom built yourself (it seems like a fair bit... and I mean that in a good way). I would specifically like to reference the 15th pic (the one with the lone rail car right before the crossing) and comment on its detail and seemlessness. I also noticed one ship in particular (toward the bottom right of the first pic) and its striking similarity to another that happens to leap to mind. All in all a well done update, take it easy and I'll be waiting to see more.

Hey threestooges, I did lot out some small pads to fill in.  A few larger ones with crates. And with the great tutorial about transit enabling linkie by emilin that made it child's play, I te'ed some lots.  And of course, there is more than one jeroni ship out in the harbor.  But the titantic has been retrofitted! thanks to jeroni.

On to the
100th Post Updateor better known as
Catch you on the Flipside
sorry, I couldn't help myself

From the desk of King Alek

I am sending one of my (very) personal advisors, Flipside.  He has my ear, Mayor Collins, and though I've heard nothing this time, Flipside will keep it that way.  I know you understand me.  King out.

"Darnation!  JEEVES!  JEEVES!    Hey  JEEVES!'

Jeeves about busted his rump rounding the corner into the mayor's office.

'Where are you when I need you Jeeves?  Always off, doing something or the other, I worry about you Jeeves, I really do."

"What did you want, your mayorship?"

"Jeeves, build this guy a mansion.  Out in Tyler Point, close enough not to alarm him, far enough away to get the wool out if need be.  Ah, good man Jeeves, you steady me at times, Jeeves, your greastest asset.  Yeah, build him a nice big mansion, and buy him friends, Jeeves.  Buy him friends!  MAW AAAW WAWAWA! (Evil mainc laugh.)

[Time enough for the mansion to be built goes by]

"Here's some images from the Minister of the sky, mayor.  The Flipside Estate"

"Very well, Jeeves... you just gonna stand there?  You lazy, nogood, bag of bones, go do something Jeeves."

Sat View

"Flipside's up at 6am to do some fishing."

"The (ahem) friends"

"Mayor, I found that flipside is fond of wine, so we made him a little grapevine thingy for his own wine."
"Now your thinking like me Jeeves"

"We furnished him with a limo and driver, his favorite sports car, and his spouse's favorite, a pink caddy."

Late at night, after all the lights are out, the fountain still shines!

Hope you enjoy your mansion Flipside.
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


is that a sim fishing?..thats an aweful big pole....lol, oh and i love that pond... &apls &apls &apls
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


what's he usin fer bait?.....Spam?....but no, seriously, i like the manor style you created, very southern america, say alabama or mississippi. great work.
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


Wow, Flipside's mansion is looking great! Congratulations! And congratulations to you, petercintn, on 100 posts! Here's to 100 more!


Flipside Estates is looking very beautiful! COngrats on 100 posts in this MD! :thumbsup:


Great work with the estates!  &apls So, so, functional! Yet, beautiful!  :thumbsup:
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


'Grats, Mr. Mayor, on 100 comments.  We need to make sure those fine folks are all registered to vote in the next election...

Peter, if that's your doorprize for 100 comments, Mr. or Ms. 1,000 will probably get a custom region.

Always great stuff to see/read in Avolon.  What's next- scratch and sniff?

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren



I like how you gave me a mansion kinda out-of-the-way so that I don't scare the locals!  :thumbsup:

And buying me friends is saving me so much per month, thank you, thank you.  ;D

Weirdly enough, my spouse just bought a caddy ...

lol, that made my evening. :) But hey look, I have to cut this short; I have some fishing to do early in the morning.  :P


Flipside is one big lucky guy.

Now that's an Estate!
Great mansion, great caddy, interesting hottub!

Well, at least Jeeves isgood at making Estates. I wonder what's he got in store for us.

Have a great weekend.


 &dance &dance &dance

Congrats on the 100 posts. Looking forward to many more.

PS Love the guy fishing in the pond. :thumbsup:

BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Wow, great work here.  The port was my favourite update.  Love it.
Call me Robin, please.


Thanks guys and gals.

NikNik, I can't believe I forgot about you in the last update.  It is surely because I had something a little more to say about your first comment and needed to think and, well I'm scatter brained, what can I say.  Let me quote you
Quote from: NikNik on February 27, 2007, 05:24:28 AM
The pics are very nice indeed, I do miss a bit the relationship between the early days and the 1/3 million population of Oakdale. It is a bit like time flies when you're having fun.

You've found one of the many chinks in my armor.  I don't know how else to grow a city but all at once.  I also worry about playing the game, even in this MD.  I have my acceptable cheats, but I really want to make everything work within the confines of the structure of the game as I see it.  So I need the revenue from Oakdale to open up the new quads.  That 500,000 simoleans has to come from somewhere. 

So I got stuck in my own logic.  How do I get out?   By letting 60 game years go by and making up the logic afterwards.  In other words, I'm winging this MD, there is no grand scheme in my mind, other than to learn by doing.  And that part, the actual goal I have in mind for this MD is coming along great. 

So, I wonder how you could not miss the relationship between the early days and Oakdale's seeming instant growth, there isn't one,  and I haven't fully reconciled it in my own mind.  But it has something to do with the mayor not giving out land grants until the economy could handle it or something along that general line of BS.

So...  Welcome to the zany world in side my head NikNik.  And welcome to Avolon.  An adventure in learning.

And as to the learning part.  I have transit enabled some dirt roads, but for some reason, if I try to make a 4 way intersection out of a street and two of the TE dirt roads, the game will not do it.  When I plop the first lot, the game makes the connection to the street and adds sidewalks to that tile and the two tiles next to it.  When I plop the same lot to make the 4 way intersection, no connction is made with these three tiles, but it will connect to the street anywhere else.  Is this how the game works with created TE lots or do I need to do something else to get a 4 way intersection with the TE lots.

Here's a visual aid

Is this normal behavior for TE lots?

Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Wow, I am highly impressed with your delving into customizing lots.

Nice work Peter, I'm quite jealous.


Quote from: pvarcoe on March 02, 2007, 12:22:49 PM
Wow, I am highly impressed with your delving into customizing lots.

Nice work Peter, I'm quite jealous.

I appreciate that, although David and his keen mind are all to blame.


3RR (click here to see the goodness and the very understandable lessons David has in store for any SC4 fan.  The awesome TOC will do you right!)

has been an epiphony for me. Plus now that I've found the SC4Tool, reordering my menus and adjusting the parameters of a lot are a piece of cake.  The compairer in that app is killer.

- Andreas from www.simszone.de for idea, testing, layout....
- Eddie from the BSC-Team for the patience to test version of version
- CJMarshall from the BSC-Team who shared his knowledge about TE
- Deadwoods from the BSC-Team who helped me designing TextureScanner
- The BSC-Team for testing
- DarkMatter for his FSHLib

Taken right out of the about tab, you guys  &apls &apls &apls

Now about that TE lot stuff? :thumbsup:
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


This is not 100% accurate, as I never tried to do it myself. On my little experience with TE lots, I learned you can not put two TE lots together facing each other. Those two are not directly facing each other, but it's like the street, when connecting and transit enabling with the first one, becomes part of that lot, does then not letting the other TE lot join together. This is pure assumption, someone more expert on that matter may explain that to you on another way.